Thursday, 18 July 2013

Why Newick Park employed Chris Moore - Head Chef

Chris Moore- Head Chef - Newick Park Hotel
After completing my catering qualifications at college I worked gaining experience at different establishments throughout the UK until I was given the opportunity to take my skills to Australia where I worked around the country gaining knowledge as how to create dishes with a wide variety of diverse ingredients.
On returning back to England, I decided to settle my roots in Sussex and found work at the multi award winning Hotel du Vin in Tunbridge Wells where I started as a Chef de Partie and completed by 9 years of employment there as Head Chef, a position I had retained for 3 years.

I had been informed that Newick Park Hotel were looking for a Head Chef and having spent many happy years at Hotel du Vin I felt a change was as good as a rest and took the position as Head Chef in August 2004. The hotel has progressed through the years were I achieved a 3 AA rosette status which I retained for multiple years.
I have great flexibility in what I cook in the kitchen and I use many ingredients from the estate to create my menus 

Monday, 25 February 2013

Spring Is Nearly Here

Only a few more days to go until Spring arrives. Our daffodils and snow drops are already keen to show off their colours around the Estate.

After a busy festive season the hotel can now relax a bit allowing some refurbishment work to take place ensuring the hotel keeps looking its best.

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day/weekend with lots of amazing dishes coming out from the kitchen. An Assiette of starters which were divine, Chateaubriand for main course and Passionfruit Sundae with popping candy for dessert. And the best thing was that it was to be shared with your partner. However if you didn't feel like sharing then there was the Table d'hote menu to choose instead which had the most wonderful creative dishes available too.

Whitney our Head Gardener will be starting her blog again shortly, now that there is a bit more to see and do around the walled garden. Not that she has been sitting on her laurels mind you! The team have been working constantly to create a busy season of colour and tasty ingredients for the year ahead.

The Events team recently took a stand at the Bluewater Wedding Fayre with great success. So much so that we are holding an Open Day here at the hotel on Bank Holiday Monday 1st April 2013. The house will be open to everyone looking to celebrate an occasion at the hotel whether it be a birthday party, wedding or conference etc. There will be suppliers and staff on hand to help with any queries you may have. The doors open from 1-5pm with special offers available. You can book a special Afternoon Tea for only £10 per person or why not even stay with us at a very special Dinner, Bed ad Breakfast Rate of £62.50 per person, but you'll want to book early as every category of room is up for grabs?!

Looking forward to seeing you at the hotel in the near future

Newick Park Hotel

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Tales from the Hotel

Another few months pass Newick Park Hotel & Restaurant and before you know it we’ve waved goodbye to the summer and are now welcoming the winter as we watch the Autumn leaves fly away in the blustery wind.

About the staff and behind the scenes:
Whitney our Head Gardener is busy working in the walled garden preparing the bulbs and seeds in the polytunnel, pruning the plants and turning the soil once more
Steve our Estate Manager is busy with his shoot parties and we are on shoot number three after a very successful couple of events recently. Let’s hope it continues.

Thanks to Steve and the ‘guns’, Chris, our Head Chef had plenty of birds to prep for the Game Dinner that was hosted by the hotel last week. We were fully booked months in advance and are already half full again for Friday 15th November 2013. So if you want to book a table you might want to think about it sooner rather than later. The event is a four course dinner with coffee and petit fours and you also have the opportunity to speak to Chris and Steve on the evening. Tickets are available at £40.00 per person and bedrooms start at a mere £125.00 Bed and Breakfast (this is a special price for our events only).
Chris was delighted to accept the request of being ‘the face’ of the Steamer Trading Cookshop in Lewes which gives him any excuse to go and purchase products from the store. So if he’s not in the kitchen you may see him down there!
Chris is also enjoying his regular slot on the local radio station Uckfield 105FM. Every fortnight at 10.00am Chris chats with the resident DJ and talks about all things culinary, so for tips and advice please tune in. He will be on the radio on Thursday 29th November 2012.

The hotel were delighted to walk away with the Best Hotel/Restaurant Award at the local Uckfield Business Awards. Our trophy can be found sitting pride of place in our lounge area. Our thanks go to all the staff for all their incredible work and achievements this year.

Onto the hotel:
As the season for English fruit and vegetables are diminishing from the walled garden we are sourcing a lot more of our produce from the local area, although we are receiving a bumper crop of Jerusalem artichokes at the moment.
The other week we attended the Uckfield Business Awards dinner at the East Sussex National Golf Club and were delighted to accept the award for Best Hotel/Restaurant in the region. We have placed this beautiful trophy in our main lounge areas for all to see.
Christmas is hot on our heels and with selling out the Christmas Party nights within a matter of weeks for the 7th and 21st December we have added an additional night for 20th December. A fun and festive evening to be had by all! This event includes a glass of sparkling wine, a 3 course dinner with dancing until 1am.

Christmas is also fully booked in the hotel, however Boxing Day still has some availability with a fantastic offer to tempt you to stay the night too, and why not – after an exhausting couple of weeks beforehand who wouldn’t want some chill out time?

This morning Chef was discussing his festive afternoon teas and with the words cinnamon biscuits, tangerine tarts and cherry scones to name but a few. Full Afternoon Tea is available at £17.50 per person but must be booked in advance as all food is cooked freshly on the premises.
We are already looking forward to a fun filled New Year. Dates have gone in the diary for our Events List and we’ve signed ourselves up for a Wedding Fayre at Bluewater in Kent from 8-10 February to which we hope to see you there should you be proposing this year or next or even if you fancy booking the hotel for an exclusive use party and why not as we’ll have some very special 2013/14 packages available.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and we hope to see you in the New Year if not before

Newick Park Hotel

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Tales From The Walled Garden

August 2012.
Its peak season in the garden and the days are full of picking fruit, harvesting vegetables and weeding, weeding and more weeding. This season has been full of ups and downs. Wet weather caused potato blight. Although I was able to cut and burn the tops of our potato plants so as to save the tubers, our tomatoes were all sadly lost to the dreaded blight.

Although very disappointing, we have already begun to fill the gaps where the tomatoes were. Quick growing crops such as salad rocket are ideal for this. Cold weather has delayed beans and squashes all is not lost we are finally bringing some to chef, and fingers crossed, we shall have an Indian summer.

Tagates Patula Linnaeus

For now we are enjoying the brilliant flowers this very wet summer has given us. One of our Gardeners, Sarah Hughes, came to us trained as a Florist and works her magic in our cutting garden.

Persicaria Oriantalis

 Some of our hot favourites are Tagates patula Linnaeus (French Marigold) but not as you know it. This is the species that all of the modern midget varieties were bred from. It is tall, elegant and good for cutting. It’s easily raised from seed, so much so that I have never bought it. I was given a handful of seed from a friend and I can keep it going year on year. I encourage all gardeners to collect their own seed, provided the plant is not an F1 Hybrid and it makes viable seed in our climate this is relatively easy to do.  Some others that can be grown from seed year on year are Persicaria oriantalis (kiss me over the garden gate) and Tithonia rotundifolia (Mexican Sunflower).

Tithonia Rotundifolia

Believe it or not we are already thinking of next year and are busy propagating wallflowers, foxgloves, dianthus and other biennial and perennial plants.
Although some things have ultimately not worked out as well as I might have hoped, many things have superseded all my expectations. Among them are the Cutting Garden and our ‘American veg bed’. We are very pleased with them and hope you are too, when you come to visit the hotel.

Whitney Hedges Head Gardener Newick Park Hotel

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Tales From The Walled Garden - July

A taste of things to come,

Every day as I open the gate to the walled garden I am taken aback by just how much is happening despite the somewhat cool and very wet summer we have had. Strawberries are coming down to the kitchen by the bucket load, cucumbers swelling in the polytunnel and flowers blooming for the table.

We have had our share of ups and downs. Terrible wind caused many sunflowers to snap and left the whole garden looking bruised and sorry for itself. It soon recovered, new heads have grown on the sunflowers and the runner beans are at last beginning to run, albeit slowly. I’m sure like the rest of us they must be waiting for a bit of warmth, then there will be no stopping them.

Sometimes when things are not going as planned and nature seems to conspire against you, it’s easy to count your losses and feel disheartened. But in every situation there are winners and losers. It’s been a great season for lettuce, the chard looks good and beetroot is also a winner.

Looking forward, we took delivery of 12 goslings, which are grazing, safe and snug behind an electric fence, under the orchard canopy. When they arrived, on a cold rainy June day they seemed small and featherless. In a matter of a few short weeks of grazing on our lush grass they are turning into plump white geese.

Another new arrival is four beehives, situated outside the north wall of the garden. The bees have settled in rather well and I often watch them feeding on the nectar of our cut flowers, borage being a particular favourite.  No doubt their services will come in extremely handy when our autumn raspberries are in bloom. So far it looks tantalisingly close to summer!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Tales from the Walled Garden - June

Hello gardeners, this month has been busy, as ever. We have been harvesting asparagus after a rocky start to the season, with below average temperatures and excessive rainfall hampering the industry nationwide. I think our customers will enjoy the flavour of our asparagus, which is always popular.

We have created a new cut flower bed just north of the herb garden. It has radiating arcs that mirror the centre circle. It is planted with Helianthus annus (sunflower), Tagates Patula (the original french marigold), a seed I have been collecting for several years and was a gift from a dear friend of mine, Cosmos sweet peas and stocks among others.

Our newly seeded grass paths seem to growing well and received their first mowing yesterday. Using a cylinder mower that has a roller should ‘tiller’ the grass, helping grow a thicker sward. Last week I almost completed my “American bed”, so called, not because I myself am American, but because of the American plants, planted within it. Although many of our garden vegetables are American in origin I wanted to create a bed, which looked American as well. So it is planted with climbing beans, courgette and squashes. The centre circle is planted with sweetcorn Amaranthus and Courgette ‘Di fiore’ a courgette with only flowers (no Fruit), so now all I need is sunshine.

In the historic Victorian Dell, many plant species have come into flower, enabling me to identify them, such as Kolkwitzia amabilis (beauty Bush) or Kalmia latifolia, the so called the (calico bush), the regal ferns have unfurled fresh apple green foliage just as the Candalabra primmulas are finishing. I still anticipate more discoveries in the months to come.

I hope you are all filled with as much anticipation about this summers growing and harvesting as I am. Please don’t hesitate to come and speak to me in the walled Garden if you are in the area, I may even give you a pinch of my Tagates patula seed.

Fingers Crossed,
Whitney Hedges, Head Gardener, Newick Park

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

For All You Corporate's Out There

Invitation to July’s Lunch Club event with Sussex Enterprise
12th July 2012 @ Newick Park Hotel in association with Nuts 4 Corporate Activity Days
 If you’re looking for a new way to engage with fellow business owners, directors, decision makers or your team than our next lunch club is for you. Brought to you in association with Nuts 4 Corporate Activity days we are offering a unique opportunity to pitch yourself against your contemporaries and forge lasting connections.

Our backdrop is the stunning setting of Newick Park Hotel and we invite you to join in the fun on the morning of July 12th. Are you a keen rock climber? Would you like to try? Maybe you want to bring out the Ray Mears within and try out bush craft skills on the grounds of the estate? Either way, it’s guaranteed to be a talking point for months to come!

Bushcraft - How far have your team come in 4,000 years?  This is an unusual and interesting team experience where each member will need to listen carefully as different methods of lighting fires are explained by our own ‘Bear Grylls’.  Team members will then be given an opportunity to try out their new skills and asking the right questions could mean ‘life or death’ in the corporate jungle. This is a popular non-strenuous choice for groups; it is surprisingly challenging and encourages participation and mutually supportive team behaviours. 

Rock climbing - For sheer adrenaline and the ultimate personal sense of achievement there is no challenge like rock climbing. A favourite choice for many groups wanting to build confidence and a sound support system between colleagues. The stereotype that big muscles are needed is quickly dismissed by our experienced instructors; thought and finesse will rule the day with our choice of climbs. Listening is vital to success, as is the willingness to take chances and experiment. Individuals are the focus of team support, we set climbs to challenge all participants and take teams to the top of their game.

The fun will be followed by a delicious & unusual lunch – a lamb pit roast and summer buffet created by the multi Rosette status Newick Park Hotel chefs.

Of course, if adventure isn’t your thing you can of course join us purely for the networking lunch. Lead by head chef Chris Moore, the brigade of dedicated chefs are renowned for creating seasonal dishes with much of the produce locally sourced or from the grounds of the hotel. You’re in for a treat!

To secure your place, please RSVP to stating your options from the list below. Once we have your place registered we will confirm the final details and times etc.

A. Activity morning only - Rock climbing or Bush craft (please state which you would prefer)
B. Networking lunch only
C. Activity & lunch

Ticket prices as follows:
Sussex Enterprise Premier Members: Activity morning £40, lunch £FREE
Member Plus: Activity morning £40, lunch £FREE
Standard Member: Activity morning £40, lunch £35
Non Member: Activity morning £40, lunch £45
All prices exclude VAT

Places on this event are limited, so please register your place today.